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Hi there! If you wanna learn how to create sound effects, then you are in the right place. In this blog, I’ll be answering your sound design questions. This is a second part to the first blog I made a few months ago. If you wanna check out that first blog where I answered other sound design questions, I’ll have it linked above. In this blog, I’m going to start with more technical questions and then get to some personal stuff that I think would be really valuable for all of you.
Q1 Normalizing Audio Levels
The first question is about normalizing audio levels. Do I normalize my sound effects to a specific level? Generally, I don’t. I don’t have a specific level that I always go to, but I have a few guidelines. I usually aim between -24dB to -16dB LUFS. I avoid going louder than -12dB LUFS. If you go above that, most platforms will lower your volume. I also make sure my true peak never goes past -1dB.
Q2 Stereo Narrowness: Mono vs Stereo SFX
Next question is about stereo narrowness. A student asked how to know when you’ve gone too narrow with sounds. I told him to narrow your sound so you can pinpoint them where you want in the stereo field. Most sound effects should be in mono, while ambient sounds can be in stereo. For example, if you’re walking through a forest, you might want to have an ambient bed of wind or bird sounds. So, use mono for gameplay sounds and stereo for ambiance.
Q3 DAW Sample Rate vs Sound Effect Sample Rate
The third question is about sample rates. If you recorded sound materials at one 192kHz, should your DAW project sample rate always be at that rate? In Reaper, your DAW can stay at 44.1kHz, 48kHZ, or even 96kHz and change to 192kHZ when exporting. In Reaper, you can work at a lower sample rate and still use higher sample rates for your sound effects. But, it’s usually best to keep everything at the same sample rate to avoid issues.
Q4 Mastering Sound Effects Techniques
Next, a question about mastering sound effects. Someone asked how to get them sounding smooth and clear. I have a mastering chain I use. I start with Soothe2 to gently bring down any resonant frequencies. Then I go through Ozone for multiband compression before hitting the Sonible Smart Limiter. I avoid using reverb on sound effects I sell. I like my sound effects to be as dry as possible unless it’s a creative decision.
Q5 Sound Effects Sounding The Same
The fifth question is about sound effects sounding the same. Someone feels their sounds come out too digital. I suggest using samples from real life. Record things and use those as your sound effects. Layer different sounds together for more organic feel. Think in layers and don’t just rely on synthesis.
Q6 Monitor Setup for Audio Production
For the sixth question, someone mentioned stacking monitors. I tried this setup and found it works better because it provides a clearer sound (since the monitors do not partly cover my studio speakers any more). I used to have my monitors side by side, but it blocked some sound. Now that they are stacked, it has made a big difference.
Q7 Recorder Hiss (preamps)
The seventh question is about recorder hiss. If your preamps are noisy, it will affect your sound. Every preamp generates some noise. The Zoom H6 is a great entry recorder, but I eventually upgraded to the Zoom F6 because it has better preamps. Always check the self-noise of the preamp when buying a recorder.
Q8 Finding Motivation for Work
The eighth question is about finding motivation. Personally, my family motivates me. I want to provide for them, so they drive me to work hard. Everyone needs a reason to keep going, something bigger than themselves. If you can find that, it will really help you.
Q9 Managing Negative Emotions at Work
The ninth question is about negative emotions during work. Yes, I experience negative emotions. It’s not always easy. Sometimes you struggle to find the right sound or meet deadlines. But if you love what you do, that passion will pull you through the tough times.
Q10 Developing Your Skills
The last question is about skill development. I suggest having a quick feedback loop. Create something, evaluate it, and try again. Use references to compare your work. Hyper-focus on one type of sound and create many variations. Practice redesigning sounds from games or movies to improve your skills.
Thanks for Watching
Thanks for reading all the way through! If you have other questions or want me to make another follow-up to this blog, feel free to leave your questions down below. I’m always happy to help!
- What is LUFS? LUFS stands for Loudness Units Full Scale. It measures the perceived loudness of audio.
- Why is stereo sound important? Stereo sound helps create a more immersive experience by placing sounds in different locations in the stereo field.
- How do I choose a good recorder? There are many specs to look at, but look for a recorder with low self-noise preamps (EIN).
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