If you purchased, watched, or read any of my content and it helped you get work, overcome a challenge, or to solve an issue you didn’t know how to solve, let me know. I love to hear your success stories from my clients and students but also learn what works for you.
Not only does it help me know what to make more of, but it also helps others who may be on the fence about whether or not they should take a course, buy a certain product, or just watch a certain video.
Plus if you send me a screenshot of your review on my Gumroad page, I’ll send you my exclusive Glitch SFX Pack 1 which is not available for purchase anywhere ($50 value). Simply email it to me at support@daviddumaisaudio.com.
Glitch SFX Pack 1 covers a wide range of chaotic, frantic, and unpredictable sounds. Perfect for almost any Sci-Fi sound, they can also be used as layers for weapons, explosions, spells, power-ups, transitions, UI, horror, and much more.
Get a complete arsenal of unique and original glitch sound effects. All sounds in Glitch SFX Pack 1 are drag-and-drop ready for your project. Every audio file is easily searchable as they were meticulously organized into categories to make it easy to find the perfect sound for your project.
Bassy (29 Items)
Broken (33 Items)
Choppy (31 Items)
Digital (6 Items)
Glitchy Percussion Loops (35 Items)
Growly (26 Items)
Impact (36 Items)
Mechanical (40 Items)
Misc (125 Items)
Misc v2 (91 Items)
Repeaters (31 Items)
Robotic (105 Items)
Robotic v2 (106 Items)
Sci-Fi Computers (6 Items)
Spectral (72 Items)
Stutter Edit 2 (13 Items)
Total Audio Files: 785
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