Welcome! My name is David Dumais and I am a music composer and sound designer for video games.

Have you ever wondered and asked yourself these questions:
- “How were the magic spell sounds from X game created!”
- “How can I create my own creature sounds like the ones from such and such a game?”
- “What gear and software do I need to get started?”
- “Is it even possible for me to create quality video game sounds from my home studio?”
If you’ve ever thought this, then you’ve come to the right place. Whether you are a professional, semi-pro, or just starting out, everybody wants to create amazing quality sounds for the game they are working on. It may surprise you when I say that you don’t need a high-quality sound-proof studio or expensive equipment that costs thousands of dollars in order to create similar sounds.
We are very fortunate to live in a time where recording equipment and audio software tools are extremely affordable. You can have everything you need within your home studio to create amazing quality sound design…and many people do.
However, are you getting the results you want?
Most likely, you already have the gear necessary to get started. If not, there is a ton of free software, plugins, and tools you can get to help you get started which I send my subscribers.
What people lack is not the gear, but the training. My goal here is to provide you that training in order to get your creativity flowing and to teach you concepts and techniques to creating sound design for games.
Sign up here and I’ll send you best information for creating rich and dynamic sound design. I send all those signed up my best information on sound design, music, mindsets, and lots more.
If you are someone who is willing to take action, put in the work, and is not afraid to experiment, then my content here is for you.
A New Way To Learn
There is a new way of learning in this the information age and that is by learning from those who have and are currently getting results. Join me and all others who have signed up and let’s take your first step towards creating awesome sound design.

David Dumais
Sound Designer/Composer
David Dumais is a professional sound designer and composer for video games. David has been working professionally on over 125 projects with indie game developers around the world.
David is also a sound pack creator having created nearly 20 sound packs for indie game developers. These sound packs can be found in the Unreal Marketplace, Unity Asset Store, ASoundEffect.com, EpicStockMedia.com, and Sonniss.com.